Monday, September 21, 2009

The most shiny Monday I've had in years

I wish you could be me right now...
The sun is warming my back through the big kitchen windows while I'm sitting by the table drinking my second morning coffee and writing down some thoughts.

Awesome September morning! Just the one you need in order to distance from work, agenda and all the Monday-to-do list. I feel like some magic extra space has opened for me in the last few days. Now I have a city park in my days, fancy coffee shops and pavement artists on the streets, have the time to seаrch through culinary blogs, perform some cooking experiences, look for a new book of some smart and talented Bulgarian writer, check the movies -" Time traveler's wife" is scheduled to be watched these many new things in my long city weekend!!!

I'm going for a walk in the park now - to smell and taste the trees and lеаves, see the people with their kids and dogs and who knows what I can bump in?!

So, I'm going...hope to find some pumpkin to buy on my way...

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